Welcome to Centre for Gender Studies

The Centre for Gender Studies is a research laboratory of the Department of Social Policy at Panteion University, established by (FEK)Gov. 926/17.7.2006 to cover teaching and research needs in the fields of gender in social policy and policy analysis of gender equality at the international, European, national and local level. The Centre is an evolution of the Laboratory that was created under the interdepartmental programme EPEAEK II “Gender and Equality Studies in Political and Social Sciences” and operated during the period 2003-2008. (more…)


“Women’s employment, gender equality and demographic policy” at the Delphi Economic Forum -Video

The Director of the Centre for Gender Studies, Professor Maria Karamessini participated as a speaker in the discussion “Women’s employment, gender equality and demographic policy” in the framework of the Delphi Economic Forum on April 11, 2024.

You can watch the video of the discussion here.

Ongoing Projects

Engaging with gender-based violence through sports (Pilot Project)

A pilot project funder within the framework of Resistire Project that aims to raise awareness and promote the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) in sports and through sports by organizing activities and creating a tool kit that will be widely disseminated in the relevant athletic communities and freely available online for interested parties to promote relevant activities.The project is led by sports club ALTIS in collaboration with Panteion University’s Centre for Gender Studies.

This project has received funding from the EU Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101015990

ProGender: A Digital Hub on Gender, the COVID-19 crisis and its Aftermath

ProGender aims to promote bilateral activities between Iceland, Greece and Norway by creating a digital hub devoted to gender perspectives of COVID-19 and its aftermath. The activities that will be carried out within the hub will be online and will promote gender perspectives, analyses and policy responses of the COVID-19 crisis through a set of actions and initiatives that enhance cooperation and exchange between Greek, Icelandic and Norwegian institutions.